
The best mobile app for nursing

Medanets is a truly user-friendly mobile app for nursing, which helps to improve patient safety, quality of care and experience. Developed together with healthcare professionals, the mobile app enables safe and efficient nursing workflows, supports decision-making, and releases time for the most important task: caring for the patients.


With the Medanets app, nurses can retrieve patient EMR / EHR data, manage bedside documentation and access evidence-based practice via a mobile device at point of care. This prevents transcribing delays between the time of measurement / observation and recording of data, simultaneously reducing human errors. Moreover, all data is accessible to the entire care team. The solution enables immediate data monitoring and faster observation of any changes in the patient’s condition, which in some cases can save lives. The solution also eliminates duplicate work, releasing time from administrative tasks to actual care. This reduces clinical burnout and improves both the patients’ and healthcare professionals’ experience of care.

Benefits that our customers have achieved:

Instant documentation without delays (gap between measurement and documentation from approx. 24 minutes to 0 minutes, documentation errors reduced by 75 %)

Up to 100 hours more time to care per ward and month

The app integrates with the hospital’s existing EHR system and complements its features. It thereby improves the return on the existing investment. All the app’s features and their content, such as terminology and nursing instructions, are customisable according to the local needs. As the app works also offline, even network shortages do not compromise care.
The app is currently used in more than 50 hospitals and primary health care units in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The Medanets app is a CE-marked Class I Medical Device and ISO 13485 certified.